Helpful High Rock
Information and Links:
ELA Day 1 Thursday April 10
ELA Day 2 Friday April 11
MATH Day 1 Thursday May 15
MATH Day 2 Friday May 16
School to Home Communication
School Hours - 7:40 am-2:10 pm
(late bell rings at 7:40 am - students should be in advisory at 7:40 am)
Early Release - 7:40-11:30 am
Delayed Opening - 9:40 am-2:10 pm
Drop Off - 7:25-7:35 am
Pick Up - 2:10 pm
(2:40 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday if seeking help from a teacher )
Car Drop Off and Pick Up Information
Bus and Transportation Information
Important things to know about High Rock
Health Services and Nurse Information
Reporting an absence, tardy or early dismissal
Looking for your student's ID number for an online transaction (lunch, field trip, sports, yearbook purchase, cluster t-shirt, etc)?
High Rock Family Technology Resource Page
Need recommendations for Private School? Click here for the process at High Rock.
Student Clubs at High Rock 2024-25
Click Here for Guidance Info Guidance Counselors: Clusters 1, 4 and 5: Kristy Fredericks, Clusters2 and 3: Nicole Rice
Purchase High Rock Spirit Wear - PTC
Middle School Sports Information
Cluster T-Shirts
We encourage families to purchase a cluster T-Shirt for their child. Each cluster is identified by number and color. Students will wear this t-shirt for a variety of community activities and the color theme is used throughout the cluster. Here are the color connections:
Cluster 1 - Green Cluster 2 - Blue Cluster 3 - Red Cluster 4 - Yellow Cluster 5 - Purple
We use the online store,, to collect orders and payment for these t-shirts. The store will be open August 30 through September 30, 2024. In order to add your student to MySchoolbucks you will need your Online ID, which can be found in Powerschool.
We will be encouraging a community practice of having the students wear their Cluster Color on Fridays. Whether it is a cluster t-shirt or clothing that has their cluster color, it is a way to bring groups together.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our bookkeeper, Sheila Blomquist, at [email protected]
Bullying Prevention and Response Information
District Curriculum Accommodations Plan (DCAP)
PowerSchool Login (for parents and students)
PowerSchool Electronic Signature Letter
PowerSchool Parent Single Sign-on
PowerSchool Directions Completing Electronic Signatures